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Graduate Program in Education


The Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE) at Unoeste – Masters and Doctorate began its trajectory in 1994, with the mission of training researchers aiming at producing new knowledge relevant to the  national and international educational context, at different levels and modalities of teaching, given the current sociopolitical situation.

The PPGE focuses on the Education Area and conducts research aimed at various themes that interrelate to educational issues. Given the coverage of topics related to the area and the specifics of the context in which the insert, the Program elected, as fundamental themes, the educational policies in articulation with other social policies, teacher training and educational practices, focusing on institutional teaching and learning processes.

The PPGE has very well defined work guidelines and has a Regulation, formulated through a broad debate with teachers and students, approved by the Collegiate and aligned with the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) of Unoeste, in that a research policy is established based on the requirements of the Education área of CAPES and in the exchange with the different Postgraduate Programs in Education, linked to the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Education (ANPEd).

The PPGE's pedagogical proposal is based on two lines of research:
- Public Policies in Education, training processes and diversity;
- Training and action of professional teaching and educational practices.

Master's Degree – Recommended by CAPES – Official Letter CTC/CAPES 537/2002, of 12/11/2002.
Recognized by Ordinance No. 1584, of June 20, 2003, published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU), Section 1, p. 19, on 06/23/2013, which ratifies the Opinion of the Chamber of Higher Education of the National Council of Education (CES/CNES) no. 079/2003.
CAPES 4 Concept (2013-2016 Quadrennial)

Doctorate - Recommended by the Technical-Scientific Council of Higher Education (CTCES) of the CAPES, at the meeting held from November 20 to 22, 2019 (190th Meeting). Recognized by Ordinance N.. 540, of June 15, 2020, published in the DOU of 06/17/2020, Section 1, p. 57, which ratifies CNE/CES Opinion no. 111/2020, approved at the Ordinary Meeting of on February 17, 18 and 19, 2020, published in the Federal Official Gazette of 04/08/2020, Section 1, p. 39.
CAPES Concept 4


a) Train researchers aiming at producing new relevant knowledge to the educational context at different levels and teaching modalities, given the current sociopolitical situation;

b) Develop research in Education that reveal conceptual and essential methodology of the area, as well as ethical, political and social commitment;

c) Analyze the fundamentals, planning, implementation and developments of the educational public policies, in conjunction with social policies, in the diferente educational spaces and their relationship with the historical context;

d) Investigate and understand the production of knowledge about training and action
teaching and teaching and learning processes in different educational contexts, with the purpose of optimizing the performance of higher education professors and others
levels of education.


Quadrennium 2017-2020

Alex Sandro Gomes Pesoas - 2015 - 2019
Camelia Santina Murgo - 2013 - atual
Carmen Lucia Dias - 2008 - atual
Cristiano Amaral Garboggini Di Giorgi - 2017 - atual
Danielle A. do Nascimento dos Santos - 2015 - atual
Elisa Tomoe Moriya Schlünzen - 2018 - atual
Elsa Midori Shimazaki - 2020 -atual
Erika Porceli Alaniz - 2013 - 2018
Marcos Vinicius Francisco - 2013 - atual
Maria de Lourdes Zizi Tevizan Perez - 1995 - 2019
Maria Eliza Nogueira Oliveira - 2015 - 2020
Monica Fürkotter - 2017 - atual
Raimunda Abou Gebran - 1999 - 2020
Raquel Rosan Christino Gitahy - 2003 - atual
Ricardo Eleuterio dos Anjos - 2018 - atual
Sidinei de Oliveira Sousa - 2017 - atual

Current teaching staff

RESEARCH LINE 1 - Public Policies in Education, formative processes and diversity
Prof. Dr. Cristiano Amaral G. Di Giorgi (Curriculum Vitae) - cristiano@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Educational policies;
- Teacher training policies;
- Popular education;
- Youth and Adult Education.

Profa. Dra. Danielle Aparecida do Nascimento dos Santos (Curriculum Vitae) -
Research contents:
- Policies and practices of Special and Inclusive Education;
- Pedagogy of contemporary teaching projects and approaches;
- Collaborative work and teaching;
- Brazilian Sign Language (Libras).

Profa. Dra. Elisa Tomoe Moriya Schlünzen (Curriculum Vitae) - elisamoriya@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Public policies in education;
- Special and inclusive education policies;
- Distance education;
- Management.

Profa. Dra. Elsa Midori Shimazaki (Curriculum Vitae) – elsa@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Educational policies and literacy, reading and writing practices in basic education;
- Educational policies of special education practices;
- Educational policies for diversity, cultural-historical theory.

Prof. Dr. Marcos Vinícius Francisco (Curriculum Vitae) - marcosfrancisco@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Educational policies to combat school violence;
- Populations exposed to social vulnerability factors;
- Social inequality in the context of neoliberal policies;
- Historical-Cultural Theory.

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Eleutério dos Anjos (Curriculum Vitaericardoanjos@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Educational policies and school psychology;
- Polytechnics, education and work;
- Adolescence;
- Historical-Critical Pedagogy and Historical-Cultural Psychology.

RESEARCH LINE 2 - Training and action of professional teaching and
educational practices

Profa. Dra. Camélia Santina Murgo (Curriculum Vitae) - camelia@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Teaching self-efficacy;
- Positive Psychology applied to Education;
- Assessment of psychological constructs applied to Education.

Profa. Dra. Carmen Lúcia Dias (Curriculum Vitae) - carmenlucia@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Genetic Epistemology and Education;
- Values and Morality;
- Learning and Development in School Contexts;
- Faculty Evaluation.

Profa. Dra. Monica Fürkotter (Curriculum Vitae) - monicaf@unoeste.br /mofurkotter@gmail.com
Research contents:
- Teacher training;
- Teaching and learning Mathematics;
- Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) and School education.

Profa. Dra. Raquel Rosan Christino Gitahy (Curriculum Vitae) - raquel@unoeste.br
Research contents:
- Teacher digital inclusion;
- Assistive technologies and inclusion;
- Evaluation of teaching materials used in the virtual learning environment;
- Active learning methodologies using digital information technologies and
- Distance education.

Prof. Dr. Sidinei de Oliveira Sousa (Curriculum Vitae) – sidinei@unoeste.br
Research contents:
-Active methodologies in educational processes from the Deweyan perspective;
-Use of Serious Games and Gamification in education;
-Blended Learning with a focus on the inverted classroom;
-Active learning strategies supported by Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT).



December/2020 - current
Prof. Dr. Monica Fürkotter - Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Eleutério dos Anjos - Vice-Coordinator

Previous Coordinations
(Under construction)



- Research seminars I
Summary: The main purpose of the discipline is to analyze the role of research in Education and
their social impacts, as well as the epistemological approaches that support them. Crave-
if, still, to discuss and help students in the process of elaboration of projects of research
in front of its stages, different approaches (approaches) and main methods and
data collection and analysis techniques.
Prof. Responsible: Elsa Midori Shimazaki with the participation of all PPGE professors

- Research seminars II
Summary: Survey of relevant and recent literature on the state of the art
related to the elaboration of the research project in education. Individual analysis and
group, theoretical and practical, of the process of preparing the research project and
collective reflection on each of its essential elements. Presentation of
elaborate research projects.
Prof. Responsible: Sidinei de Oliveira Souza with the participation of all PPGE professors


- Educational theories and trends in Brazil
Summary: Characterization of the interlocutions between theory and educational practice through
reflection on the philosophical and epistemological matrices of pedagogical thinking
Brazilian. Analysis of theoretical and ideological conceptions of education: traditional,
novice scholar, technicist and their influence on pedagogical thinking in Brazil.
Approach to critical and post-critical theories and their contributions to the movement of
current school.
Prof. Responsibles: Carmen Lúcia Dias and Elisa Tomoe Moriya Schlünzen, with
participation of all PPGE professors


- Advanced Education Seminars: research and knowledge production
Summary: This course addresses the theoretical and epistemological foundations, ethos and
modus operandi of the production, dissemination and evaluation of scientific knowledge of the
Education sciences. Follows the design of research projects of the thesis of
doctoral students, prioritizing the epistemological and methodological aspects against the
socioeconomic and political-institutional contexts.
Prof. Responsible: Cristiano Amaral Garboggini Di Giorgi




- Teacher training policies: perspectives and trends
Summary: The course analyzes the main theoretical and practical perspectives, arising from of national and international policies on teacher education and outlines some
trends in this area.
Prof. Responsible: Cristiano Amaral Garboggini Di Giorgi

- Fundamentals and practices of Inclusive Education
Summary: Study on the Historical and Political Foundations of Inclusive Education:
world movement. Reflection on the concepts: Human Rights, Differences and
Diversity. Analysis of the trajectory of Special Education to Inclusive Education in Brazil
(policies and practices) and Inclusive Education at different levels and modalities of
teaching. Understanding the topic Social attitudes towards inclusion. Study on the
Collaborative Teaching theme.
Prof. Responsible: Danielle Aparecida do Nascimento dos Santos

- Education for differences paradigm
Summary: Study on Human Rights, Differences and Diversity in the context
educational. Study on the Pedagogy of Differences and the Pedagogy of Contribution.
Understanding the philosophical and political foundations of Inclusive Education and the vision of paradigm in this context. Analysis and evaluation of the global education movement for everyone and their aspects and impacts in the school context.
Prof. Responsible: Danielle Aparecida do Nascimento dos Santos

- Inclusive educational policies and the CCS approach
Summary: Studies of public policies that guide national and
international in the online training process, elucidating how the approach Contextualized and Meaningful Constructionist who uses as a strategy working with projects, enable the promotion of inclusive education.
Prof. Responsible: Elisa Tomoe Moriya Schlûnzen

- Work, culture and education
Summary: Historical-cultural elaboration of the work. The work as an element of
transformation in man's life. The interaction between work-culture-education. O work, culture and education in the production of knowledge.
Prof. Responsible: Elsa Midori Shimazaki

- Educational work and social development: the political function of education in light of the historical-critical pedagogy
Summary: Philosophical, didactic and psychological foundations of historical-critical pedagogy. The work as an educational principle. Theoretical and political challenges of historical pedagogy- criticism in capitalist society. The socialization of systematized content as political function of education. The educational issue and the development problem social and class. The relationship between educational work and the humanization process of the individual.
Prof. Responsible: Ricardo Eleutério dos Anjos



- Teacher's well-being and self-efficacy
Summary: Conceptualization of subjective well-being. The concept of self-efficacy in
Bandura's socio-cognitive perspective. Interferences from well-being and self-efficacy
in student-teacher relationships and in the professional development of the teacher.
Prof. Responsible: Camelia Santina Murgo

- Educational psychology
Summary: Contextualization of Educational Psychology and applicability of its contents
to the pedagogical practice of teachers. Educational Psychology can contribute to
training of professionals who understand the processes of human development and
learning processes, in favor of the quality of schooling. the plurality of theoretical systems of Educational Psychology will favor the dialogue and articulation of psychological knowledge with other components of teaching action. in this perspective, we believe in the potential of Psychology to contribute to educational practice mediated by the teacher. Focusing on the different psychological approaches in Education it can support the psychological, pedagogical and sociological understanding of learning human. Therefore, the theoretical frameworks of Educational Psychology will be focused, as well as new evolution trends and application perspectives in the área school.
Prof. Responsible: Camelia Santina Murgo

- Pedagogical practice, learning and human development
Summary: Study on learning, human development and the implications of
school education in these processes. Pedagogical practice in school environments and the
social and emotional factors of skills acquisition. Research in education and psychology.
Prof. Responsible: Carmen Lucia Dias

- Digital Technologies of Information and Communication and Education in Society

Summary: The course aims to develop an understanding of the construction process
of knowledge mediated by Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DTIC). Analyzes the contributions and limitations of the use of TDIC in education. reflects
on changes in educational paradigms of teaching and learning triggered by the transposition of the information society to the knowledge society. It identifies the main research paths followed by the area.
Prof. Responsible: Monica Fürkotter

- Active methodologies combined with digital information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning process
Summary: Study of the theoretical and methodological foundation for understanding the
active learning process with the adoption of open educational resources and mobile technology. Analysis of digital information and communication technologies in the
educational environment. Reflection on digital literacy, technological knowledge
pedagogical content and ongoing teacher training.
Prof. Responsible: Raquel Rosan Christino Gitahy

- The teaching action in Higher Education: didactic and methodological issues
Summary: The subject emphasizes the particularities of the Human Sciences and dimensions didactic and pedagogical challenges that pose challenges for Higher Education teachers. treats of themes such as different pedagogical perspectives in Education, educational policies as guiding elements of Higher Education, strategies for teaching and for promoting learning with a focus on active methodologies and resources
technological, didactic and planning of teaching work and the evaluation process a
from different models, practices and instruments.
Profs. Responsible: All PPGE professors


- The Program is covered by Fees and Scholarships from the Post-Graduate Support Program for Private Education Institutions (PROSUP / CAPES) - Specific notice for candidates approved in the selection process.

- UNOESTE's Internal Benefits Program - Discount of up to 15% on the monthly fees of the Post-Graduate Courses "Stricto-Sensu", for incoming students from 2017 onwards.
The benefit may be claimed by students who attended/concluded courses at the Undergraduate, Technologist, Lato Sensu Specialization and Master's levels at the University.
The application, available at the Secretariat, to be approved, must be analyzed by the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and Dean of Unoeste, not being allowed to accumulate it with other types of scholarships/discounts.




To obtain the title of Master or Doctor in Education, the master or doctoral student must complete the credits required in the regulations and pass the proficiency exam in a foreign language, the qualification exam and the public defense of the Dissertation or Thesis.
Curricular components of the Graduate Program in Education necessary to obtain the academic title of Master or Doctor in Education: Disciplines, Complementary Activities and Dissertation, expressed in credit units.
To obtain a Master's degree: at least 90 (ninety) will be the number of credits for the curricular completion of the course, with at least 36 (thirty-six) credits in subjects, 2 (two) credits in complementary activities and 52 (fifty-two) credits for the elaboration of the Dissertation.
To obtain the title of Doctor: at least 168 (one hundred and sixty-eight) will be the number of credits for the curricular completion of the course, with at least 42 (forty-two) credits in subjects, 6 (six) credits in complementary activities and 120 (one hundred and twenty) credits for the elaboration of the Thesis.
The Graduate Program in Education, Master's and Doctorate, in accordance with its pedagogical proposal, is linked to the “Education” concentration area and has two lines of research: 1) Public policies in education, training processes and diversity; 2) Training and action of professional teaching and educational practices. The Master's and Doctorate courses are structured as follows:
I – A Core of 3 (three) Mandatory Disciplines, totaling 18 (eighteen) credits for each of the levels: Master's and Doctorate;
II – A Nucleus of at least 3 (three) Elective Subjects, for the Master's, two of these subjects in the research line of your choice, making a total of 18 (eighteen) credits;
III - A Nucleus of at least 4 (four) Elective Subjects, for the Doctorate, two of these subjects in the research line of your choice, making a total of 24 (twenty-four) credits;
IV - Complementary Activities linked to the Program, comprising participation in scientific events, publications, offering lectures and workshops, as well as other activities provided for in a document organized by the Collegiate (Scoring Table for Complementary Activities), to obtain 02 (two) credits for the Masters and 06 (six) credits for the Doctorate.
V – Fulfillment of 52 credits (fifty-two) related to the elaboration of the Dissertation and 120 credits (one hundred and twenty) related to the elaboration of the Thesis.
Any elective course in a Research Line may be taken by a student from another line, as indicated by the supervisor.
Receipt of the Dissertation or Thesis Defense Minutes is subject to the delivery of proof of manuscript submission or publication, in co-authorship with the advisor, in journals evaluated by CAPES in the extract, at least, B1. The maximum period for proof of submission is 90 days after the public defense.
The study plan to be developed by the student will be defined together with the supervisee, observing the rules established in the Rules.
Theoretical disciplines of stricto sensu Postgraduate courses taken in programs recommended by Capes may be included in the study plan, respecting the limit of 12 (twelve) credits, provided that they are completed in the last 3 (three) years, counted from the effective date of the registration.
The use of credits will be requested by the interested party and justified by the applicant's supervisor.
For the Doctorate course, the student may request the use of up to 18 credits in subjects taken in the Master, under the following conditions:
I. that the title of Master has been obtained within the last five years;
II. the subjects taken are aligned with the themes in the area of Education, being the supervisor's responsibility to make the first assessment and then submit it for approval by the Collegiate.

The application for validation or use of credits will be accompanied by supporting documentation of the program, teaching plan, workload, number of credits and performance evaluation in the subject(s).

The Master's course will have a minimum duration of 18 (eighteen) months and a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) months, and may be extended for up to 06 (six) months, at the discretion of the Program Board, upon justification presented by the student and his/her /your advisor/a. The minimum duration of the Doctorate course is 24 (twenty-four) months and the maximum of 48 (forty-eight) months, and may be extended for up to 06 (six) months, at the discretion of the Program Board, upon justification presented by the /the student and his/her advisor. The student must, obligatorily, complete the credits of the disciplines until the end of the third semester, if Master's student, until the end of the sixth semester, if Doctoral candidate, these semesters counted from their entry in the course.

The extension request can only be requested if the student passes the Qualification Exam, within the regular deadlines of the course.

For justified reasons, with the agreement of the Adviser and the approval of the Program Collegiate, the student may be licensed from academic activities for up to 1 (one) semester, not computed for the purposes of the caput of this article.

The remaining full time at the time of requesting each license must be equal to or greater than the duration of the requested license.

In cases of readmission and transfer, the Collegiate will establish the maximum time for payment.


- Research Line 1: Public Policies in Education, training processes and diversity

This line of research encompasses studies on public policies in Education and their articulation with other social policies. Educational management in its different approaches, levels and teaching modalities, as well as working conditions and the organization of the school space. It includes investigations into formative processes, identities and differences.

- Research Line 2: Training and action of professional teaching and educational practices

This line investigates the institutional processes of teaching and learning involving theoretical studies and analysis of pedagogical practices related to Education. It encompasses studies on the initial and continuing education of professional teachers, analyzing the construction and development of their identity, conceptions, professionalization and working conditions. It also includes studies on subjectivity and human morality in educational processes and research on digital information and communication technologies, in situations of face-to-face and distance learning.


Links to access the website of the events held by the PPGE, which contain the annals of these events.

Congresso Internacional de Educação da Unoeste
Congresso Nacional de Políticas Educacionais da Unoeste
II Congresso Internacional de Educação da Unoeste


Students regularly enrolled in the PPGE per year of admission

Master Degree


Doutoral Degree



Inclusive Education Policies and Practices (PPEI)
The Research Group is linked to the research line Public Policies in Education, Educational Practices and Diversity, from the Master's Program in Education at Universidade do Oeste Paulista (Unoeste) in Presidente Prudente/SP. The theme that involves the studies included in the group is linked to the inclusion process, in terms of educational policies and educational practices, centered on the school or non-formal context. Therefore, the group's objective is to develop researches focused on Special and Inclusive Education policies and practices. Research carried out at the undergraduate and graduate level is qualitative or mixed. Theoretical studies (bibliographic and documentary), interviews, participant observation and analysis of the practices performed are carried out. It is expected to constitute a theoretical-methodological contribution for the improvement of documents, regulatory frameworks and strategies for Special and Inclusive Education in the Brazilian context.
Danielle Aparecida do Nascimento dos Santos (Leader)
[Visit the group's website]

School context and teaching-learning process: actions and interactions
The research group "School context and teaching-learning process: actions and interactions" aims to integrate studies that fundamentally involve themes related to school education and its consequences, namely: pedagogical political project, teaching and learning processes, interdisciplinarity , teacher training (initial and continuing), pedagogical practices, teacher/student relationship, among others. The research projects cover theoretical-methodological conceptions and educational practices interrelated with social reality in different spaces and levels of education.
Carmen Lúcia Dias, Monica Furkotter (Leaders)
[Visit the groups`s website]

Construction of Subjectivity Processes in the School Context
Description: It is understood that the role of the school goes beyond the training function related to cognitive development and pedagogical content, on the contrary, it should be recognized as a space for strengthening its students in the construction of quality interactions in order to compose a network of support. Thus, subjective aspects of the subjects involved in the school context are important in understanding the factors related to teaching, learning and socio-affective development. Knowing the expression of the subjectivity of students and teachers in order to obtain subsidies to point out ways that provide effective changes in the conditions that promote the development and structuring of a positive education is the main goal of this group. The scope of the group's studies comprises two lines of research: Subjectivity and schooling processes and Teacher well-being and self-efficacy.
Camelia Santina Murgo (Leader)
[Visit the groups`s website]

Study and Research Group in Education, Curriculum and Technologies
The group carries out a research program aimed at investigations linked to projects and/or actions that integrate the Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (TDIC) to the Curriculum, in a contextualized way in the reality of educational environments structured in the classroom, distance and hybrid modality. Its purpose is to analyze and understand the fundamentals, directions, impacts and perspectives for the construction of knowledge in the different ways of learning and teaching with contemporary technologies. It discusses and analyzes the initial and continuing education of teachers in relation to working with digital technologies in the school context, from Kindergarten to Higher Education. The research strands in focus in the research group are: changes in pedagogical practices and in educational contexts facing practices aimed at an Active Pedagogy, articulated with TDIC; creation of collaborative educational spaces through Virtual Learning Environments (AVA); integration of technologies into the curriculum and school management; curriculum and digital mobility; working with TDIC, developing skills, knowledge and teacher training; the production and analysis of teaching materials and open educational resources; including the pedagogical use of assistive technologies in the construction of knowledge and the feasibility of accessible educational spaces, aimed at educational, social, cultural and digital inclusion.
Raquel Rosan Christino Gitahy, Sidinei de Oliveira Sousa (Leaders)
[Visit the groups`s website]

State, Educational Policies and Democracy (EPED)
Linked to the Research Line "Public Policies in Education, Training Processes and Diversity" of the Graduate Program in Education at the Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE), the research group covers investigations on public policy in education and educational institution, considering its aspects philosophical, political, social, psychosocial, cultural, managerial and technological, within a context of complexity of society, knowledge and education. The themes studied are articulated with: Educational Policies; School Institution (management, curriculum organization, assessment, school culture); Education and Work; Sociocultural Processes for the Production of Differences and Inequalities. The work developed is publicized in national and international events, qualified periodicals and event organization. It is also a space for training undergraduate students and new researchers at the postgraduate level.
Marcos Vinicius Francisco, Cristiano Amaral Garboggini Di Giorgi (Leaders)
[Visit the groups`s website]


Master`s Graduates


Doctorate graduates
(There are still no graduates)


Navigating by Graduate Program in Education – Master Access to the Digital

Library of Theses and Dissertations

Theses (There are no theses defended yet)

Revista Colloquium Humanarum (ISSN 1809-8207)

Editing and Editorial Committee under the responsibility of PPGE professors

Repository of Academic Productions


» Edital de Seleção para Alunos Especiais 2/2021
» Edital de Seleção para Alunos Regulares Bolsistas - Doutorado 2021
» Edital de Seleção para Alunos Especiais 1/2021
» Seleção de Discentes para o Mestrado 2021
» Seleção de Discentes para o Doutorado 2021

» Resultado da Seleção de Professores - Programa em Educação - Edital 01/2020
» Homologação das Inscrições para Seleção Docente - Edital 01/2020
» Seleção de Professores - Programa em Educação
» Edital de Seleção para Alunos Especiais - Agosto de 2020
» Retificação - Edital 01/2020 - Seleção de alunos regulares - Mestrado
» Edital 01/2020 - Seleção de alunos regulares - Mestrado
» Homologação das Inscrições - Mestrado - Turma 2020
» Edital 02/2020 - Seleção de Discentes para o Mestrado 2020

» PNPD - Resultado Final para Seleção de Bolsa Pós Doutorado
» Homologação das Inscrições - EDITAL - 03/2019 PNPD
» EDITAL - 03/2019 PNPD
» Edital 02/2019 - Alunos Especiais
» Edital para alunos especiais 1/2019
» Homologação do Resultado Final para Seleção de Bolsa Pós Doutorado
» Homologação Seleção Pós Doutorado

» Homologação do Resultado Final da Seleção Docente - Edital 2/2018
» Edital 03/2018 - Seleção Bolsa Pós Doutorado
» Homologação das Inscrições para Seleção Docente - Edital 2/2018
» Edital 2 de Seleção de Professores - Mestrado em Educação - 2018
» Edital 02/2018 - Retificação
» Homologação do Resultado Seleção Docente
» Homologação das Inscrições para Seleção Docente - Edital 1/2018
» Edital Alunos Especiais 2/2018
» Edital de Seleção de Professores - Mestrado em Educação - 2018
» Edital Discentes 2018/2019
» Edital Alunos Especiais 1/2018

» Classificados para Entrevistas Edital ME 02/2017
» Resultado da Seleção de Professores
» Prorrogação do Processo Seletivo Docente
» Segunda Etapa do Processo Seletivo Docente Mestrado em Educação
» Edital de Seleção de Professores - Mestrado em Educação
» Edital ME 02/2017 - Seleção para Ingressantes em 2018
» Edital ME/2017 - Aluno Especial para Ingressantes em agosto de 2017
» Edital 01/2017 - Seleção Bolsa Pós Doutorado
» Edital


- Calendar – 1 sem. 2021
- Calendar – 2 sem 2021

Calendar collegiate meetings

1, sem 2021
05/02 - 10/02 - 25/02 - 24/03 - 22/04 - 12/05 - 02/06 - 30/06

2, sem 2021

18/08 - 15/09 - 13/10 - 17/11 - 09/12


Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação - Campus II – Bloco B2
Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, Mestrado e Doutorado
Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km 572 - Bairro do Limoeiro CEP 19067-175 - Presidente Prudente - SP Fones: (18) 3229 3264 - Fax: (18) 3229 2080

e-mail: ppge@unoeste.br; ina@unoeste.br / http://www.unoeste.br/ppge


Unoeste offers a Master and Doctor degree recognition service obtained outside Brazil through the Carolina Bori government platform.

More informations are available at:

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